29 February 2012


I really need a challenge. I have been feeling bored and uninspired just about every day. Sometimes inspiration is everywhere and you feel like your head might pop from being too full of ideas. But, other times it seems like nothing is going on. Like you're stuck on a raft in the middle of a stream wondering which direction to go and how the heck to get moving.

So I was very glad when I came across this challenge for the month of March! It is totally do-able (which is a relief from the year long challenges to make something or photograph yourself everyday) but it still sparks creativity. I refuse to sit around any longer...I will do something...I might even start before March! Gasp!

Here it is...

Simple as that.

Here is what Laura from See Hear Say says about the challenge:
join us! take it as simple as it can be: order different coffee from your favourite cafe, wear an old pair of shoes that you haven't worn in years, walk different route to work or do sparkapolooza! (excuse myself, couldn't help myself for shameless self promotion here!). you can also think big and do a completely new activity: sky diving maybe? no need to do or buy something new all the time. be creative, this is why this challenge is called do something different everyday NOT do something new everyday.

For more, check out the March Challenge blog post.

Go forth and do something different!!!

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